Saturday, October 26, 2019

Happy 18th Cat!

Wow.  The time has come.  My youngest has turned 18.  No more children in the house - just adults.  It's amazing how time flies.

18 years ago, a beautiful little full head of hair showed up and took on the name Catherine!

Catherine was and is a lot different than her older sister!  And that's not a bad thing.  From her first ability to do, she ALWAYS wanted to eat standing.  Always.  Proof?

And Catherine was always about hats and sunglasses!  Or at least her version of "hats"!

And there...that last picture...that was the start of it!  Catherine LOVES technology.  She should actually think about her career aspirations given her love of technology but she'll figure that one out.

Catherine now is into fashion and will look back at older pictures and say "Dad - why did you let me dress like that?"

The answer is easy - bribery for later in life!  :)  Actually, it's because Cat is also incredibly stubborn and independent.  If I have to deal with "difficulties" in raising children, being stubborn and independent are not so bad as it serves us well later in life.

Catherine has turned into a beautiful young women!  She doesn't realize how beautiful she is and I hope someday, looking back, she'll smile as she realizes she's been beautiful the whole damn time!  (oh and these pictures remind me - Cat ALWAYS has a little food near the corners of her mouth!  LOL)

Catherine has always been about her best friend and sister, Emily and then about her family.


Fortunately, I've been able to spend alot of time with my girls and we've had plenty of trips and good experiences.  Those can't be erased from my memories and I hope Catherine remembers the good times we've had.

Catherine is now 18.  She's smart, even though she often doesn't 
believe it, she considerate, she's loyal and her friends know this.  She has a strong faith and foundation and I thank God everyday for that and I pray everyday it continues to be a source of strength and solace in her life.

As Catherine enters "adulting" she's going to learn and experience so much more!  I'm happy I've been along with her on her journey and I look forward to be a part of her continued growth.  Though, as a parent, we cannot always been as close and present as we want.

Catherine - I love you and I sincerely hope you know how much you are loved and how beautiful, kind, smart and powerful you are and will continue to be!  It's been a privilege and a blessing to be your Dad.

Go be the person you want to be and go achieve all the goals you have in front of you!

I love you and Happy 18th!


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Happy 18th Emily


18 years ago I was blessed to help my oldest daughter, Emily, enter into the world!

What a day and night of excitement and anticipation!  She was a beautiful baby and over the weeks, I learned that Emily was a happy, "easy" baby.  With her big eyes and little tufts of whispy hair, Emily's personality was just beginning.

As she grew into a little girl, Emily smiled alot, was always pleasant, sometimes goofy, and active!  As she welcomed her little sister into the world, Emily was always "the big sister."

As the years continued, Emily has always remained the big sister - supporting, cajoling, instigating, guiding, pushing, and loving her little sister.  It's one of the qualities her sister appreciates....most of the time.

Emily is always smiling and many times, goofing off.

 That trait has served Emily well over the years.  She has a great ability to laugh, to get others to laugh and to make fun of herself.  Whether it was the goofy voices and impressions or "getting dressed up at Target" with friends, her sense of humor prevails in many situations!

Even though she might be diminutive in size, Emily is full of life!  That has resulted in friends being drawn to her.  She's supportive yet direct in her feedback, full of advice, but usually up for fun and in those times, some quiet conversation.

Emily's gained a number of good friends over the years and it is resulting in many memories which will hold throughout the years.  

Emily has always been active, willing to try new things and always smiling through it all.  Her young love of gymnastics, her constant love of jet skiing, and trying new sports gives a glimpse into her attitude.  Don't ever underestimate Emily or test her will.  She'll win. 

Emily is an animal lover and while sometimes a donkey may try to eat her fingers, Shasta has been always by her side.

Perhaps the most important aspects of Emily's life, and I truly hope it continues to be this way, is family.  Emily, Catherine and I have been a close knit triumverate over the years and we have had a ton of fun and many good memories.  Selfishly, I'm so happy I have a couple "Daddy's girls" who enjoy their time with me.

They don't know it (perhaps they do) just how much their presence has buoyed me through the years.

When you come from a large family, cousins can play a big role.  Sarah is like a big sister for Emily and her other cousins also play large roles. 

One cousin, Katie, was Emily's confirmation sponsor and role model for how she wants to emerge as a strong, faithful woman.

As Emily has grown from such a tiny peanut to a slightly larger peanut, she has become quite the young woman!

Emily - As you go from a young woman to an independent woman, please keep in mind a few things:

- You are so strong and capable of achieving anything you want in the world!
- You have watchful eyes upon you who view you as a role model.  Stay humble, lead by example, and set a strong pace.
- You will always have a place to "come home" because "home" isn't so much a box with four walls as it is the memories, connections, souls and love that fill those four walls.  
- Don't forget where you have come from, your struggles and your successes so you can remain grounded and empathetic with others who may need your support
- Your faith will sustain you in good times and bad.  Don't forget it and find reasons every day to Thank God for all the gifts you've been given.
- Make sure you use those gifts.  Whether it's your singing voice, your humor, your wit and intelligence, and your beauty, you've been given SO many gifts.  God asks us to use the gifts He has provided!  So use them and show the world your gifts!
- Your sister loves your dearly.  So, while she takes your things and frustrates you by wanting to always be around you, know it comes from love and a great desire to make you proud.
- Next to God, Family is key.  Don't ever forget it!  Your family will always have your back and will always be here to provide you the comfort you might need.
- Have fun, break some rules, keep trying new things, and live life fully!






-Keep smiling and know your father loves you very, very much!

Happy 18th Birthday Emily!  You are an amazing young woman and I'm so proud of whom you've become!  I cannot wait to see all the good you continue to bring to the world!  

